Meet the Coaching Team

The Media to Movements Coaching Team is passionate about Jesus, movements and media. But mostly Jesus



Amber has a long-term call to make Jesus known where He is not. Her heart is especially knitted to North Africa. When not dreaming up new ideas, strategies on how to implement them, and mobilizing others, she's spending time with family and friends, reading or traveling. Good coffee, belly laughing, new experiences and getting things done make her happy. Besides coaching, Amber provides leadership to the growing Media to Movements ecosystem and the team. 



Grace is an implementer, administrator, and operations tinkerer. She has served as a worker in West Africa and is fluent in French. She is an avid runner and triathlete and serves as the Team Assistant.



Frank is an Ezra 7:10 guy—study, practice and then pass it on to others. With his family, he lived in a UPG country for 12 years and then studied media in movements in academia and then in the “school of hard knocks.” When things get overwhelming, he reverts to his farmer background and goes to clear some fields until God gives him fresh ideas. He coaches field teams post-launch toward movement activities.



While Phil ran from Jesus during college, Jesus sprinted faster. Carrying Phil on his shoulders, Jesus took Felipe to a software company to develop marketing skills. Today Phil joins Jesus in helping disciple makers to walk with God in prayer and find people of peace through media. Phil loves trying new foods, playing volleyball or tennis and smiles wide when enjoying contagious giggles from his wife and kids.



Fueled by the passion to make Jesus known among the unreached, Dustin and his wife spent three years in NYC working among the West Africa Diaspora and over three years overseas applying his skills in graphic design learning, implementing and helping others with their media strategies. When Dustin is not designing, you might find him playing board or video games, exploring the majestic outdoors, doing CrossFit or playing Barbies with his daughter.



Driven by the desire to see the Great Commission fulfilled in her lifetime, Lauren's heart is to accelerate Spirit led disciple making movements among the least reached. Her family spent three years serving a diaspora UPG and later moved overseas. There, she gained practical Media to Movements experience and assisted in the development of Kingdom.Training and Disciple.Tools. Lauren now serves as a Pre-Launch coach but she also enjoys Marvel movies and researching her ancestry.

Team Member - Steven


Steven has been involved in church planting and raising leaders for nearly three decades. He is the producer for the award-winning film Where Was God? and the author of the book Storms of Life. Through, he grew and still operates social media accounts with more than six million followers. He has run ads in every country globally that Facebook has reach. For a number of years, Steven’s focus has been on disciple making, church planting, and setting up digital systems to move people from being online spiritual seekers into offline face-to-face disciple making relationships. Steven serves on the Media to Movements team as a Marketing Coach.

Team Member - Ricky


Ricky has a desire to share Jesus in creative and innovative ways. Being in ministry for almost 30 years, starting as a worship pastor and moving to video production and helping ministries understand and utilize social media to share the Gospel. Ricky currently serves as a Marketing coach. He is a nerd at heart sharing the Good News in unconventional ways with other nerds in his weekly podcast.

Team Member - James


James looks forward to helping teams build a pathway to Christ among Muslim peoples. He and his family lived in North Africa for ten years, sharing the good news. Very few showed signs of wanting to know more about Jesus. However, he met solid believers who had come through digital outreach. Through this experience, as well as studying God’s Word, James has become convinced of the value of media to movements. He believes God is building digital avenues, enabling us to share his message with many, many more people and connect with those who are eager to learn more and follow Christ. James highly values the combination of knowing God, knowing culture, and developing solid digital strategies. Proper security measures are also important to him. James is excited to help teams learn and overcome challenges to reach their people for Jesus. James enjoys his wonderful wife and their four children. He enjoys walking in nature, playing ping and discovering more about God from his Word. What digital avenue would God have you build today?

Coach - Chris


Chris and his family served as church planters/disciple-makers in Bosnia for 12 years and relocated to Budapest, Hungary in 2019. Today he serves on the OneKingdom team whose vision is to see the Great Commission fulfilled in Europe, together. The Lord hasn't sent us alone so let's not do this alone. Our growing MTM network of Kingdom-minded workers is and has crossed denominational, organizational and cultural barriers. 

Coach - Justin


Justin has been interested in making disciples from early in his faith journey. He believes that the Father is always drawing people to Jesus and that it’s our joy to try and find them. He’s got a special place in his heart for North Africa and for Europe. Justin has a wonderful wife and kids who are joy to hang out with. Justin enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, reading, and playing games in his free time.

Coach - John


John cares about those on the margins, including those who haven’t yet come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. He believes there are spiritual seekers in Europe and wants to do his part to share the Good News with them and walk with them in their discipleship journeys. John is blessed to love the most amazing wife, sons, family, and friends a man could hope for. Some of his favorite things include Tex-Mex, vanilla chai tea lattes, and Texas Rangers baseball.

We’d love to journey with you as you seek to make Jesus known among your people group.

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