Prayer resources for disciple making movements

Learn from Experienced Prayer Leaders

You can meet one-on-one with a prayer coach to learn how to be more effective in prayer. You can learn about recruiting more people to pray, spiritual warfare, hearing God's wisdom and many other prayer strategies. Click to sign up with our friends at Fellowship of Prayer Strategists

Apply for Prayer Coaching

Follow the 7 principles in growing a prayer movement

2. Mobilize people to pray
4. Draw a path for people to pray regularly
Start with one of these three methods:
1. Prayer Calendar
2. Prayer Meeting
3. Prayer WhatsApp Group or Website
5. Engage people in the process of praying
6. Share testimony of what God is doing in prayer
  • Regularly tell those who prayed about how God answered.
7. Be intentional that intercessors multiply intercessors
  • Ask others to start prayer calendars, prayer meetings and forward prayer points to their networks